This project is filled with different themes and symbols. One being the process of sexual differentiation. For those of you who don't know the cremaster muscle is the muscle that holds your testes. Cremaster 1 represents the most undifferentiated state while Cremaster 5 represents the most differentiated state. The cycle returns to symbols early in the sexual development in which you are not sure the outcome. To me Barney is trying to represent a condition of pure potentiality, where it is up to you to decide the outcome.
These films are very hard to come by because they will never be for sale on DVD. The only way to see them is to find a theater where they will be showing it. Barney only released 20 sets containing all the films as fine art and they all sold for 100,000 dollars.

Jordan your content is getting better, however you need to fact check your stories. Also, the artist goes by Matthew not Matt. There are a lot of interesting, "facts", in here all of which I could have found on Wikipedia. What I am looking for is your educated opinion on how you feel about this work.